Armorbearer Investigations Disclaimer

The cases are real and tried at the District Court Level then bound over to Circuit Court Level. All names have been changed to protect the rights of all parties involved.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Case 3: Did He or Didn't She?

The Crime:
In the early morning hours on Detroit's east side the police department receives a call for shots fired. When they arrive to the area they observe a unknown black male slumped over the seat of a SUV. They observe him with multiple gun shot wounds and both passenger rear doors are open.

DPD Investigation:
Detroit Homicide conducts an investigation and finds that the complainant was with a young man and a young lady whom the police found at a Coney Island around the corner...she called the police frantic. After interviewing her she informed them that she was inside the vehicle, with the descendant and another unknown male. We will call him Ghost. She says that ghost produced a handgun, showed it to her then shot the victim multiple times and fled the vehicle. A warrant is issued for our client Ghost.

The attorney used that information at trial to discredit all witnesses by constantly mentioning the purse being taken out of the crime scene and not being checked for any weapons or narcotics. Our client Ghost was found not guilty of all charges so the questions still is didn’t he or didn’t she.

After speaking with several witnesses on the block and reviewing statements. In one statement from witnesses walking down the street, observers heard loud music coming from the SUV, they then hear the music being turned off the vehicle stops, no one exit’s the vehicle and the music starts back up and the vehicle pulls off.

We reviewed a young lady statement and found that she informs Detroit police that she left her purse in the SUV. At that time the Detroit police took her back to the scene and removed her purse without checking it and gave it to the young lady.

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