Armorbearer Investigations Disclaimer

The cases are real and tried at the District Court Level then bound over to Circuit Court Level. All names have been changed to protect the rights of all parties involved.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cinco De Mayo

The Crime
This investigation takes place in southwest Detroit during a day of celebration, in the Mexican district. The Detroit Police are called to a very well known park wear a festival was being held. When police arrive they find several unknown vehicles struck by one vehicle with a unknown Mexican male, in the front seat
of the car bleeding in the head and slumped over the wheel. They also observe that the front and rear passenger doors open. Homicide is then called and the gentleman in the front seat is pronounced dead at the scene by the EMS. Wayne County Medical examiners are called and the gentleman is taken for an autopsy.

DPD Investigation
The Detroit Homicide Investigators receive information that the person who exited from the front seat wanted to speak with them. The gentleman gives his account of what he saw. He states that they were parked on a street enjoying the festival when he hears a loud “boom”. He rolls out of the car and as he is rolling the car continues on and he does not see anything. He finds that his ear is cut and he goes to the hospital. The backseat passenger was later identified and he gives his own statement to the investigators. He tells
detectives that he was in the back seat rolling a blunt when he looks over he sees a Mexican male pointing a gun from the drivers seat. He begin to shoot at the victim. He hears the “boom” he ducks and the car pulls
off. He jumps out of the car when the car comes to a stop.

Somehow the police come up with our client name and we will call him Jose. The witness somehow picked him out of the lineup after never seeing him or knowing him. He says that he saw the gentleman for only less than a second. Our client is arrested and put in jail and charged for the murder.

ABI Investigation
While inside of the Wayne County Jail. Our client is talking to another inmate when he is told about our firm. He informs his lawyer that he wants us on his case to assist in the investigation.

His lawyer contacts us we are retained by him and we visit him in Wayne County Jail and begin our relationship with him. He says that he is not involved in this case he does not know the gentleman  and does not know how his name got into this crime. We begin our investigation and after going back to the scene we discover different witnesses that describe different colored cars. The police has never talked to these witnesses. We begin to gather additional information for the lawyer. We bring all the ammunition
back to the lawyer. She gets herself ready for trial.

The Trial
The lawyer comes into this trial well prepared. When she gets there she begins to rattle of statements that the prosecutor has provided to us. The prosecutor has no answer to any of these and at the point the judge dismisses the case. Jose then goes back to his cell and before he goes back the prosecutor has filed the charges once again and this time were going to start off in 36th District Court. After several months of waiting we go back and the witnesses are to testify again, but this time in front of Armorbearer Investigations and
the lawyer. The lawyer goes into cross examination with these witnesses and pulls out so many inconsistent parts of the statement that is very apparent that they are confused and tell different stories. The judge, after several weeks, dismissed the case. Jose was released from Wayne County Jail and is now
living his productive life.

Armorbearer Investigations provides the ammunition its up to the lawyer to shoot
straight. Have a great Cinco Del Mayo!!!!

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